So I've missed about 2 lectures, and I've been slacking on writing about the ones I have been to so here we go.
10/26 Lecture - Ben Volta

Ben Volta came in and talked about his projects with a mural arts program that he is a part of. It was actually really interesting, and no, I'm not saying that for brownie points. What I found interesting was how he was able to work with a group of kids, and teach them how to explore their mind artistically. The one project that he talked about was a mural ( if that's what you would like to call it ) on the side of an old, knocked down row home. The process of creating this mural took a lot of time and thinking. The design that they came up with was based on rooms that you would typically find in a house, and the furniture that you would find in them. For each room, the kids thought of a piece of furniture, did research using google images, and then drew them out. When they decided as a group on what furniture worked, and what didn't, they uploaded their drawings onto the computer and edited them into a design. When the designs for each room was printed, they attached them to the wall of the old building like wall paper. I personally have not seen this actual mural, but it is in Philly and I'm sure I will run into it one day.
The project. |
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